Disclaimer: All information on this website is provided for informational purposes only, and in no way is for diagnosing or prescribing for any medical issues. Always consult your medical professional.
All information on this website is copyright and remains the intellectual property of Mandy Wheen of Optimus True Being and may not be copied and used by anyone to claim as their own.
Prior to participating in any guided imagery for relaxation, please consult your health practitioner if you have any mental health concerns.
All products and information on this website remain the intellectual property of Mandy Wheen of Optimus True Being, and are copyrighted as such. Many hours have gone into creating and compiling these products and information for your enjoyment and personal development.
When you purchase a digital download, you are purchasing the ability to download a copy of the original product for your own personal use. You may not forward on, distribute to others, or broadcast to an audience without the written approval of Mandy Wheen of Optimus True Being. Any unlawful copying of these products will be deemed as piracy, and will be viewed as a criminal act. Many thanks for doing the right thing and purchasing a copy for either your own relaxation and benefit, or as a gift for someone you care for. I thank you for supporting myself and my business which I have invested years of time, effort and money to grow. I truly hope you enjoy your purchase, thank you.
Nothing on this website should be viewed as a substitute for professional advice (including, without limitation, medical advice). Optimus True Being has to the best of its knowledge and belief provided information that it considers accurate, but makes no representation and takes no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website.
Optimus True Being disclaims to the maximum extent permissible by law any liability for any loss or damage however caused, arising as a result of any user relying on the information on this website.
As always, tune in & trust your own gut to what is right for you.
It is important to ensure your essential oils are of the highest quality to avoid unwanted toxins etc, and to ensure optimus clarity and cleanliness. Always follow safety guidelines when using essential oils.
By appointment only.