gummies plant based sweet treat snack for kids and adults

Gummy sweet hearts

YL Ningxia Red Gummies“Ningxia Red” Gummies…

‘on the go anti-oxidant cleansers”

Try these “healthy sweeties” – some benefits include… chewing = helps the brain kick into action, lemon flavouring* = awakens the liver, orange flavouring* = helps feeling uplifted, psyllium husks = helps get the brush to sweep out the intestines for a spring clean!

Either in Thermomix (turn off when reaches heat of 100 degrees C – approx 5.5mins Speed 3) or on stove top to heat up (remove when starts to boil)…

  • 1 cup (250g) of Young Living Ningxia Red antioxidant drink (this is my anti-oxidant treat, saved money by ditching alcohol and use this yummy special drink! An alternative option is to use juiced apples or similar)
  • 1.5 tsp of agar agar powder
  • Option to add 4 teaspoons of manuka or raw honey

Remove from heat (after reaching the 100 degrees C) place into a heat proof glass bowl to cool slightly then and add…

  • 4 tsp psyllium husks
  • Option to add the following for flavour… 1-2 drops of Lemon and 1-2 of Orange Young Living Essential Oil (** We use Young Living Essential Oil due to their purest quality and heart felt products which work in harmony with us)

…Pour into good quality silicon character moulds for cute sweeties!  Refrigerate to firm up, and keep in an airtight container cooled, then when the gummies are calling… enjoy!

Thank you for the original recipe to Young Living’s blog.  This recipe has been changed (as per usual!) to add in more of the fiber and for more texture & to make firmer.

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