Your Magical Santa Land Calming Magical Adventure Relaxation with Mandy Wheen
Mandy Wheen “Presents” (ho ho ho I couldn’t resist that one!) “Your Magical Santa Land”, A Calming Magical Adventure. Need a boost of magical calming respite during this festive season? Then look no further, this experience is for the young and the treasured mature! Sit yourself down for your own rejuvenation moment of calming and centring to find your warm glow within… or gather your children to sit on their (magic) carpet or plush cushions (of the sleigh)… and help develop precious imaginations. As Einstein so eloquently put it… “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”. So climb aboard and press play for the biggest Christmas adventure of your life… the one into yourself!
Optimus True Being “Presents” (ho ho ho I couldn’t resist that one!) “Your Magical Santa Land”, A Calming Magical Adventure. Need a boost of magical calming respite during this festive season? Then look no further, this experience is for the young and the treasured mature! Sit yourself down for your own rejuvenation moment of calming and centring to find your warm glow within… or gather your children to sit on their (magic) carpet or plush cushions (of the sleigh)… and help develop precious imaginations. As Einstein so eloquently put it… “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”. So climb aboard and press play for the biggest Christmas adventure of your life… the one into yourself!
This magical experience includes…
- An Introduction to Your Magical Santa Land… 2m 57s
- Your Magical Santa Land, Calming Magical Adventure… 25m 08s
- Your Magical Santa Land Finale… 2m 08s
Relaxing background music composed and performed by Mandy Wheen.
I have created this Christmas guided Relaxation Experience, to provide an opportunity for you all to be able to self sooth yours and your family’s festive induced daily stressors yourself within your own home, or in any magical environment you find yourself. This therefore, reduces the daily need to grab your sleigh and travel across distances to find peace and tranquillity from a very talented Elf Therapist (hee hee, me! lol).
Listening to this relaxation gives you the opportunity to enjoy some festive fun, on your calming magical adventure. It can also help to dissolve any disruptive thoughts or feelings from their hiding places within your mind and body in order to feel calm, empowered and comfortable. Of course, nothing is more enjoyable and calming than a wonderful Integrated Therapy session from your friendly Holistic Kinesiologist! (wink wink, couldn’t resist hee hee!)
This special Christmas themed relaxation experience, allows you to step into your own magical inner world and feel revitalised and whole again. What are you waiting for? the festivities are calling you!…
Experiencing relaxation is so important to enable our magical bodies and minds to relax. Relaxation has been proven to have many benefits; it allows our system to digest our delicious and nutritious food intake; and it also encourages detoxification to cleanse out all our pipes and amazing organs.
It is not helpful when we constantly continue to go go go, and feel like we are drowning in overwhelming festive chores, impacting our minds, bodies and souls. So please gift yourself the time to relax on a regular daily basis, for anything from 2 minutes, up to 1 hour of deep full body relaxation. This will provide your muscles the necessary time to feel like they are relaxing and sitting comfortably on your bones. Allowing your muscles to release any tension and tightness that maybe stuck inside them, along with any built up and accrued unwanted waste products. After all, don’t we all wish in life to have exceptionally clean and sparkly insides, which shows on our outsides too? Just like a good Elf would feel! The more relaxed we feel ourselves, the more others are able to recognise and feel this when they are around us. Resulting in helping those we care for to feel calm themselves.
There has been much research into this topic of relaxation, so who are we to argue with this basic need for our bodies? So go ahead, and experience the benefits for yourself, you are the only one who knows how you truly feel. After all, we all wish for the wonderful gift to feel calm and comfortable every day, so start your journey now.
So are you ready for either yours or your children’s own magical restorative journey?… find yourself a comfortable position, preferably sitting so you can stay awake & follow the technique without falling asleep which isn’t helpful! Believe it or not you can still fall asleep without being truly relaxed, so feel the full benefit and do your best to stay awake. Or if you are doing this to relax just before sleep, then go ahead and lie down comfortably feeling snug as a bug. Allow yourself this time, even if it is a brief moment on the loo! Find a place you are able to get a moment to yourself! (sorry, an empathetic chuckle here!) Take measures as you are able, so you will not be interrupted for the next 25 minutes, turn off those devices as much as possible! And allow yourself this sneaky moment to escape either alone or make it a special bonding experience with your whole family to relax and calm together.
I will guide you with my relaxing voice, with you using your amazing imagination, to adventure inwards to explore your own magical santa land within. To journey through the candy cane forest and other magical sights, to find a very special calming place and meet a very special person! Whilst I guide you through this relaxation, be sure to enjoy the journey, because life is all about the journey, not so much the destination is it not?!
This experience will be unique to you and your wonderful self because of your powerful imagination, and your higher self gifting you what you are needing in the moment you are doing the relaxation. I find that we receive a variety of experiences when doing relaxation experiences from one day to another. This may be due to the nature of our varying lives and depending on our needs and our readiness to receive and notice within our own interconnected life journeys.
After all, we are always gifted what we need, when we are needing to be gifted it, for whatever we are destined to at that time. Very philosophical!
So… when you are sitting comfortably, grab your imagination, and let’s begin…
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