Becoming Your Hero Relaxation Experience


Immerse yourself into a space of wonder.
Transform yourself into your favourite Hero to master your fears and calm your mind… you must!  Mandy guides you to relax into your powerful centre… she does.  Feel like one of your Star Wars heros… you can.

  • Episode 1.  Welcoming Words… 2m 17s
  • Episode 2.  Becoming Your Hero Experience… 22m 59s
  • Episode 3.  Thank you for listening… 1m 57s


Transform yourself into your favourite Hero… you must.  Mandy guides you to relax into your powerful centre… she does.  Feel like one of the characters in Star Wars or whoever you wish to be… you can.  Assist you master your fears and calm your mind… they will!

  • Episode 1.  Welcoming Words… 2m 17s
  • Episode 2.  Becoming Your Hero Experience… 22m 59s
  • Episode 3.  Thank you for listening… 1m 57s

Listen… sample here is…

Journey to a planet far far away…

Embody the characteristics of your Hero or favourite character… you do.  Gift yourself … you must, with a sense of playfulness, empowerment, confidence, fun little holiday away in your own virtual space for 20mins… you will have!

Enable our incredible bodies and minds to relax… relaxation does.  Many benefits research has shown; assist our system to digest our nutritious food intake… it does; encourages detoxification to cleanse out all our pipes and organs… it does.

Draining and debilitating it can be, when we constantly go go go.  Hmmm… feel like drowning in overwhelming and busy busy lives, impacting minds, bodies and souls… it will.  Important it is… regular time to relax on a daily basis, from 2minutes, up to 1hour of deep full body relaxation.  Provide your muscles the necessary lifeforce and time to feel relaxed… it will!  Tension and tightness, and built up waste products is path to the dark side!  Release it with relaxation… you must.  Enjoy having glowing clean insides… we Jedi’s do.  Glow on outsides… then will be.  The more relaxed we feel… allows others to feel same.  Calming lifeforce is needed, help those we care for build their lifeforce… hmmm.

Much research there has been.  Benefits of relaxation… many.  Focus on own needs for your body… necessary.  Benefit from a daily relaxation routine… all Padwans do.  Feel the lifeforce, experience the benefits… do.  Regular practise needed to become… Master!  Even brief moment relaxing on toilet…helpful.  All wish for wonderful gift to feel calm and comfortable every day…we do.  Focus your energy, build your calming lifeforce… you must!

Find comfortable position…do, sit or lie down…ok.  Interrupted… you must not be for next 23minutes.  Turn off devices and trust… you will.  Deserve this time to escape into restorative relaxation… you do.

Guide you with my relaxing voice.. I will.  Use your incredible imagination… you must.  Relaxing journey to “Becoming Your Hero”… it will be.  Assist transport you to a special planet far far away… I will.  Safe to explore your hidden talents… you will be.  Practise, build and bring back… you will.  Feel calm, comfortable, empowered and more comfortably express yourself in your own magical life… you will.

Powerful imagination… you have.  Your experience unique… it will be.  Higher lifeforce all around you… it does.  Provide what you need… it will.  Different journeys you will have, each time… do.  Depend on daily need… it will be.

Gifted with what you need… you will be.  Destined for great things… you are.

So… wait not… “Become your own hero”, you must!


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