Inner Child nurturing with Kinesiology on Central Coast
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Inner Child Honouring with Kinesiology

Greetings and Salutations!  I do so love using this greeting, it is from Demolition Man film from years ago with Sandra Bullock.  I realise this is very apt because her Character in the film is very innocent, with a sense of adventure.  After all, isn’t that the essence of children when they are allowed to…

self help, centering, grounding
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LOOK Down – see what truly matters

“LOOK DOWN!” he pleaded. “OK, OK, I got this, give me a chance” came the exasperated reply. It’s Storytime… Once upon a time there lived a carpenter in a far away land. He toiled away from dawn to dusk creating, mending and fixing. One day, he found himself in mid strike.  His axe was raised…

The Bicarb Angel
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The Bicarb Angel

I hope the following insightful story is helpful to those of you who are looking to find ways to detoxify and cleanse your systems, especially after any indulgent practises that may have occurred recently wink wink. There are also more suggestions at the end of the story that I use within my clinical practise. I…

self healing
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Pull up your Socks and Heal

“Pull your socks up, and just get on with it” Francis appealed encouragingly to Humphrey. “Just what is that supposed to mean?” he retorted with a large huff, through gritted teeth… Then the room began to swirl in front of his eyes… He remembered reaching out a hand in an attempt to steady himself, which…

fun-filled bucket, playfulness
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The Fun-Filled Bucket

It’s Halloween night, I’m sat at my desk, well, my dining table trying desperately to focus on what to write for this month’s newsletter. Blank. So… I acknowledge my lack of inspiration, let it go, Trust, go with the flow, maybe I won’t write one this month, maybe I’ll give myself the month off writing…

kinesiology, from fight/flight/freeze survival response to thriving
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From Surviving… to Truly Thriving

“Help I need somebody” screams my brain…  I feel my body freeze up like it’s been blasted frozen by a “night night gun” (from Agents of SHIELD)!  There is a strange pulsating in my chest area… its not very comfortable and something feels wrong…   There maybe a little more moisture on my palms as…