kinesiology and mind body to release tension
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What a Hoot to Truly See

“Ooooh the pain” she gasped clenching her stomach. She inhaled softly and slowly. She briefly paused at the top of her breath to open up her senses. It was her heart. She released her breath outward in an understanding sigh. The next breath came in at a sprint.  It filled her whole lungs until her…

self help, centering, grounding
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LOOK Down – see what truly matters

“LOOK DOWN!” he pleaded. “OK, OK, I got this, give me a chance” came the exasperated reply. It’s Storytime… Once upon a time there lived a carpenter in a far away land. He toiled away from dawn to dusk creating, mending and fixing. One day, he found himself in mid strike.  His axe was raised…

Do I need Protection, kinesiology self empowering
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Do I Need Protection?

“You need protection” Chloe declared. “Why so?” Molly retorted indignantly, perturbed as to why her friend thought her in need of it. With her arms folded she scowled daring the response. “Molly dear, please don’t take this as a slight on your character, but you do seem to take on the worries of those around…

fun-filled bucket, playfulness
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The Fun-Filled Bucket

It’s Halloween night, I’m sat at my desk, well, my dining table trying desperately to focus on what to write for this month’s newsletter. Blank. So… I acknowledge my lack of inspiration, let it go, Trust, go with the flow, maybe I won’t write one this month, maybe I’ll give myself the month off writing…

kinesiology, from fight/flight/freeze survival response to thriving
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From Surviving… to Truly Thriving

“Help I need somebody” screams my brain…  I feel my body freeze up like it’s been blasted frozen by a “night night gun” (from Agents of SHIELD)!  There is a strange pulsating in my chest area… its not very comfortable and something feels wrong…   There maybe a little more moisture on my palms as…

Kinesiology, Strength, building self up
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A Broken Vessel

Do you sometimes feel like a broken or cracked vessel who just wants to feel whole again? Just notice how this makes you feel and allow yourself to feel comforted as you begin this month’s journey with me… Firstly… I would love to introduce you to what inspired this month’s broken vessel topic… My love…

breathe a waterfall down your spine with Mandy Wheen Kinesiologist

Calming Waterfall Down your Spine visualisation

A fun way to invite a sense of calm into yourself. By using your powerful imagination, you can use the element of water to encourage the essential flow of important bodily fluids (cerebral spinal fluids, blood, lymph, cellular fluids etc) into where it needs to be, and also become aware of anywhere the flow maybe…